30 años de experiencia como Contador Público Certificado (CPA) y se graduó con honores de la Universidad del Norte de Illinois.
Comenzó su carrera en una empresa de telecomunicaciones Fortune 500, ascendiendo en las filas de puestos financieros.
Fue tesorero interino de una división de Sprint Corporation de $3.5 mil millones de dólares y lideró una iniciativa de ahorro de costos de $50 millones.
El director financiero de una empresa nacional de transporte y distribución valorada en 90 millones de dólares lideró la transición desde una posible quiebra hasta estar lista para la venta.
El director financiero de una empresa nacional de transporte y distribución valorada en 90 millones de dólares lideró la transición desde una posible quiebra hasta estar lista para la venta.
Craig Passley
Secretario Corporativo y Director
secretario corporativo con experiencia que se ha desempeñado en diversas empresas públicas y privadas, Maestrías tanto en Gestión de Negocios como de Proyectos.
Neville Brown
Consejero Independiente
Construyó una carrera en el Departamento de Defensa de Jamaica y luego dirigió una división de impresión y encuadernación para el campus de la AMA y publicaciones externas en Chicago.
Yvonne Rattray
Unabhängiger Direktor
Hat bei Allstate in den Bereichen Underwriting, Ausbildung und Kundenzufriedenheit eine 30-jährige Karriere als Führungskraft aufgebaut. Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaft an der DePaul University.
Yvonne Rattray
Independent Director
Built a 30-year career as an executive at Allstate in insurance underwriting, training, and customer satisfaction areas. Holds a business degree from DePaul University.
Shaun Passley, PhD
Chairman and CEO
Over 25 years of expertise in the software industry, more than 10 years leading public companies.
Serves as CEO and Chairman of the Board of ZenaTech
Holds a PhD in Business Management and a Master in Business Administration from Benedictine University and three other Master’s Degrees-highlighted by a Master of Law from Northwestern University— a Master of Science in Information Technology from DePaul University and a Master of Science in Product Design from Northwestern University
A distinguished figure in the tech and business world
Neville Brown
Independent Director
Built a career with the Jamaica Defence Department then led a printing and bindery division for the AMA campus and external publications in Chicago.
Thomas Burns, CPA
Independent Director
A finance and accounting executive with over 35 years of experience in high-growth and public companies. Has a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Illinois and is a Certified Public Accountant (Illinois).
Craig Passley
Corporate Secretary & Director
Experienced Corporate Secretary who has served at various private and public companies, Master’s degrees in both Business and Project Management.
Paul Piekos
Independent Director
30 years of background as a Business Owner of a Consulting firm and a Certified Appraiser in Chicago, his firm serves Government, Financial Services and Real Estate clients.
James Sherman
30 years of background as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is an honors graduate from Northern Illinois University
Started career at a Fortune 500 telecommunications firm, rising through the ranks of finance roles
Was Acting Treasurer for a $3.5 billion division of Sprint Corporation, led a $50 million cost-saving initiative
CFO of a $90 million national transportation and distribution company, led a turnaround from potential bankruptcy to ready for sale
Served as CFO for a $250 million division of Mitsubishi Corporation
Sajjad Asif
Chief Technology Officer
18 years of professional experience and expertise in software and drone technologies.
Holds Master of Science in Software Engineering degree from Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) in Sweden, an MBA from AIOU in Pakistan, and a BS – Computer Science from PUCIT in Pakistan.
Held leadership positions with the ZenaTech group of companies, now focused on ZenaDrone solutions and integration.
Held CTO and other leadership and technical roles for multiple European technology firms.